Sunday, October 19, 2008

Health O Ween 2-Miler- 1st Overall Female!

Last night I ran the Health O Ween 2-Miler- It was so much fun! There were tons of people- both children and adults- dressed in their Halloween Costumes and there were booths/stations set up where the kids could Trick-or-Treat. It was so nice running in the evening once the sun set- much cooler! I ended up first female- YAY! There was a girl on my butt the whole time, but I was not letting her pass me! My time for the 2-mile course was 13:27...not too bad. I was just happy to finish first female...that does not happen too often!

My 3 year old son had a blast seeing all the costumes. He did trick or treat- but does not like the candy, just wanted the little toys they were passing out. He has decided that any candy we get trick or treating this year he is sending to his grandpa! What a silly kid!
My next race is Friday the 24th...another evening race! More to come then!


Sunday, October 12, 2008

5K Trail Race- LOVED it!

Yesterday I ran a 5K trail run/race. I have to say I absolutely LOVED it. I wish all the local races were on the trails, instead of the boring pavement! If the high schoolers and college teams can find places to run these races, why can't our race directors! Anyways, I was afraid it might add some time, being that you could only run 2 deep because of the trail being so narrow, and having the chance of being stuck behind someone slower, or maybe even having the roots or trees be an obstacle- but my time was actually quite a bit faster than my last 5K on the roads! I think the faster time came from having to be so alert of the surroundings, and just the refreshing change of running surface! I will definately be doing this race again next year!

I ended up 3rd female finisher overall, with a time of 21:15...much faster than the last one! I just wish I could break under 21:00!


Monday, September 29, 2008

18 down...6 to go!

I completed my 18th race of the year this past Saturday. Every year my goal is 24, so only 6 more to go!

It was the South Daytona 5K. My time was much better than 2 weeks ago...ended up running 21:57- back on track. I think concentrating on some speed work did it. I was 3rd in my age group. The weather that morning was much cooler than it had been, only in the 70's, so it was perfect running weather! My next race will be Oct. 11th, so until then....


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Another 5K...

I have been meaning to post about my last race for a little while, just have not gotten around to it until now...

I ran another 5K on Sept. 14th. Boy, do I need to do some speed work! I have been putting in the miles, trying to get ready for a half marathon, and have been neglecting any type of speed work. Let me tell you...speed work is now on my calendar after the time I clocked! I ran a 22:21, I felt fine, I just did not have the turn-over in my legs. I ended up 3rd in my age group. Oh well, maybe this saturday will be better for me, another 5K.

I am getting ready for a half marathon- it's been so long since the last one I ran back in the fall of 1995 when I was a Junior in High School- my body does not recover as quickly at 30 as it did back then! The one I am running is not until January 4th- so I still have plenty of time.

Happy Running!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Cool Tie Dye Tops...

I know some of us are Stay at Home moms who are always looking for ways to bring in a little extra money...well, this is my way...

I make and sell Tie Dye tops on Ebay and Etsy for children and adults. I have done this for about a year and a half now and I LOVE it...especially around the holidays. I have made some pretty cool cotton tanks to run in, baby Onesies and am currently working on Halloween and Christmas tops.

If you are interested in seeing more examples or purchasing something please just take a look at my Ebay and Etsy pages and message me.
Ebay User Name: runnergirl4life
Etsy User Name: ColorYourLife


Catching Up...

Okay, so it has been a little while since I was on here last. Where to begin...

Since my last Blog I have run 2 more races. The 2008-2009 racing season has officially begun. I ran the "Save the Loop 5K" where I ended up 3rd female overall with a time of 22:14, and I ran the "I Run for Pizza 5K" where I was 1st in my age group and had a time of 22:01...

I really have not run like I wanted to this summer. I feel like I totally slacked off...could also be that I have run 16 races since January 1st and am feeling a bit drained. I have 10 more races on my schedule before the end of the year, 2 of which are 1/2 Marathons. I know I am a bit crazy...but I guess that's what being addicted to racing gets you! LOL!
The pic is of my son and I after the "I Run for Pizza 5K."


Thursday, July 17, 2008


My first triathlon was an amazing experience! I was on Team Danskin, and the support and friendships were wonderful... to see members of my team encouraging each other before the tri was great. I was terrified of the open water swim (across a fairly large lake), because my first three "practice" open water swims were terrible. Yet, I made it in a decent time, stayed calm, and the rest of the race was pure joy. Ladies, if you can sign up for a Danskin Triathlon, do it as quickly as possible. It was the most positive, encouraging experience I have had in a long time.

My next big challenge will be the IronGirl Olympic Distance Triathlon in May, 2009! Double the distance, and something to focus on during our miserable Chicago winter.

The medal says, "The woman who starts the race is not the same woman who finishes the race."

I agree.

Be Blessed!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Firecracker 5K- 2nd Female Overall!

Today I ran the Firecracker 5K on the sands of Daytona Beach. Running in the sand is quite different from running on the nice, paved roads. My legs were already a little sore from yesterdays 5K race, so I made sure to warm up a little extra today. The race started at 7:30, so the sun had not had a chance to really heat up by then, so the weather was great for running with the breeze coming off the ocean. Like yesterday, this was an out and back race so at the turn around I was able to see who was coming up on me. I already knew the girl that was out in the lead was too far to catch, so my goal was to stay in 2nd place and not let anyone pass me...well, that worked. I ended up 2nd female finisher, with a time of 22:08- about a minute faster that my time last year at the same race. I was happy with my finish, now I can rest until August sometime when I run my next race...unless my racing addiction gets to me before then! LOL!

Happy Running Ladies!

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July 5K- First Female!

Well...going into todays race I thought I would just take it easy and run a nice pace...I have been having some knee problems and have not run much all week. Today I woke up feeling great, no pain after my short run yesterday- good sign! The race started and I got out pretty good- I was lead female, but I could hear a couple others right on my heels- I thought they would try to pass me a few times, but that just made me run faster. I have never been lead female before and I was not ready to give it up. At the turn-around I got a better look at the there were 3 or 4 females within distance to pass me if they wanted to. A few times one would get up with me and I would just keep on truckin, trying to make her think I was not going to give in. Well, it stayed this way until we had about 1/2 mile left, I made my move pulling away from her, and she never did catch me! YAY! So...I was finally first female finisher, and 11th overall male/female combined. The course was about .3 miles longer than a 5K, so I figure my actual 5K time to be 20:58..PR for me this season!
The pic is of me and my son...I just love the Patriotic Tie Dye I made him!

I have another 5K tomorrow morning- another post to follow!

Happy Running.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Featured Athlete for Team Aquaphor Racing Team for June!

Hey Everyone-

Just wanted to share...I am one of the Featured Athletes for the month of June for Team Aquaphor Racing Team! Check out my Bio page:

Happy Running to All!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Race into Summer 5K

Had another 5K this morning. Felt alot better than the last race I ran, now that I am finally healthy and getting some miles in. The race started at 7:30 am...I know that is way too early...but you would be thankful considering once that sun comes up in Florida it gets HOT fast! I was running very late, got there with about 5 minutes to spare! I ended up 5th female finisher, and first in my age group with a time of 21:49- I think I was 34th finisher overall male/female combined.

Noah ran his kiddie run and was 3rd- Yay! He once again was very proud to get his ribbon at the end.

Happy Running Ladies!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Back in the Game!

Ran a 5k - Girls on the Run, with three of my daughters on Saturday. Their first official race ever! They were HOT by the end, but we had a great time. My little chica, Hope, jumped into my arms on the last quarter mile from the cheering section, so I ran with her on my back... but she crossed the finish line herself - and they gave her a medal! - so now she thinks she's a marathoner. Next year! It was awesome sharing the experience with my kids. I was so proud of them and they were thrilled they did it.

Just got back from biking Ireland with my 11 year old son and 9 year old daughter. I thought it would be good training for my triathlon. HA! Almost died the first day. (For the record, 40 hilly miles is not equal to 40 flat Chicago miles by any means.) It was cool that my children were there, because I just kept encouraging them and not letting them see how utterly challenging what we were doing really was. It was like biking in Colorado in the mountains. However, we did it, it was an incredible experience, and I am also so proud that we rose to the challenge and didn't quit. Ended up going around 110 miles over 5 days, sometimes in high winds and with our luggage on the back rack. It dawned on me that the people who take cycling trips are probably cyclists, not stay at home moms with seven kids... but it was a wonderful, rewarding experience.

32 days until my first triathlon. The run and bike are easy, need to be seriously praying and training for the swim. I'm on a training team that is great, although I've missed most of it up until this point. If anyone is reading this, keep dreaming and challenging yourself- the rewards are amazing!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Awards Dinner with Suzy Favor-Hamilton!!

Last night was the awards dinner for the last of the 3 running series I competed in this year- The Running Zone Racing Series. I ended up 1st in my age group and took home an award and $50.00 gift certificate to Running Zone- a running and triathlon specialty store- needless to say I went and got 2 new pairs of Nike Tempo running shorts today with the money!

The absolute best thing about last nights awards was our guest speaker, who also handed out the awards...Suzy Favor-Hamilton! I was so excited! I remember being in Junior High, High School and College watching her with amazement as she ran in college and in the Olympics...I wanted to be just like her. She was a huge role model for me. Listening to her story I now realize she is just one of us- a mother, a runner, a wife. Although I will NEVER be as fast as she ever was, last night she really did motivate me and made me want to be a better runner.

Happy Running to All! Stay Motivated!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

11th race of the Year

So, I had not run a race since April 26th because of the flu, and really have not trained much either since feeling better. I found a race to run yesterday, but decided to just run it to run it- since I knew my time would not be great. And yes, my time was not great...for me anyways- I finished the SportsFest 5K in 22:34- but somehow ended up finishing 3rd Female Overall. The only 2 females that beat me were 18 years old, so being 30 I felt a little better after learning that! Anyways, since I am now feeling better and have realized that taking a few weeks off does slow you down I will get back on track with training. My next race is not until June 14th...unless I can find another between now and then.

I have finished 11 races since January 1st, and have only 13 left this year to accomplish my goal! YAY!
Just incase any one is wondering about my jersey...I am on 3 different racing teams- a local team for Running Zone, the See Mommy Run one and Team Aquaphor. I am done with the racing series for the local running team and will focus my summer on racing for Team Astavita (See Mommy Run) and Team Aquaphor.

Happy Running!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Titusville and Runner of the Year Racing Series Awards!

The three racing series I was competing in have come to an end for the time being...until August anyway. We had the award ceremony for 2 of the series and here is how I ended up!

For the Titusville Racing series ( had to run 3 of 4 races) I ended up 9th Female Overall...took home an award and $40.00! YAY! For the Runner of the Year Racing series (had to run 8 of 10 races) I ended up 6th Female Overall and 1st in my age group- took home a very nice award. My son Noah competed in the Youth Series (had to run 5 of 8 races), and took home a very nice award for which he is very proud!

We will have the 3rd racing series awards banquet on June another blog after that!

Last 2 Races of April has been a while since my last blog...and I have alot to add! LOL!

My 3rd and 4th races for the month of April went well ( I already blogged about numbers 1 and 2). The 3rd race was the Stingray 5K, which I have to say has been my best so far. I ended up 2nd female overall with a time of 21:14- a season PR for me. The 4th race was the Artsfest 5K- did not do as well as I wanted to at this one...but again the bridge got me- I hate those things! Also, this was the first race in my new age group (30-34), I ended up 3rd in my age group with a time of 22:28- very slow for me...

After those two races I was supposed to do one of May 3rd and another on May 10, but did not end up doing either. I got the Flu BAD- was out of comission for 2 weeks altogether. I have never had the flu before and I can say I never want it again! Just last week I finally was able to get a few decent runs in.

A couple more new blogs to come...

Friday, May 9, 2008


My new favorite quote from Sally Edwards. My triathlon official training group starts this Wednesday.

"Get smart. Get fit. Get going. Get strong. Get healthy. Get a training program. Get a new friend. Get a bike. Get running shoes. Get moving. Get a new suit. Get a club membership. Get a coach. Get a new life. Get empowered. Get a relationship going with the most important person in your life--you. This time, it is all about you. Get it."

I LOVE that!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Space Walk of Fame 8K today...

Had an 8K was HOT!!!! The first 3 miles or so were okay, but it seemed that the sun was beating down on us the last couple miles! Oh through it. My goal was to be under 36 minutes...ended up running 36:06! Pretty close but I don't call it mission accomplished- should have run 7 seconds faster! If I would not have gotten that side cramp around mile 2 I probably would have made my goal time. I was 1st in my age group. My next race was going to be on the 26th...but I think I found another one here in town to run on the unless I talk myself out of it I will be running a race all 4 weekends this month and the first 2 weekends next month- 6 races in 6 weeks- call me crazy, but I LOVE it!

Noah ran his 1/4 mile race...he turned around just shy of the turnaround- pretty good for a 2 1/2 year old! He was very proud of himself as usual. This was the last race of this seasons Youth Series races- and next month at the awards banquet he will get a special award! YAY!

" Let's not limit our challenges, instead, let's challenge our limits!"- Author Unknown

Saturday, April 5, 2008

FINALLY getting faster!

Okay, so my hard work is finally paying off. I have been eating better, getting some good runs in and getting more rest at night- makes a big difference, let me tell you! Today I had a 5K, my 7th race of the season. The men and women ran separately so that was fun. I was 1st in my age group and 11th female overall...but the best thing about today is my time--It was 21:35! Over 20 seconds faster than the last 5K I ran at the end of January! I am finally pleased with my time for a change! I have an 8K next weekend- hoping to run under 36:00- we'll see...

Noah ran his race today and got his little prizes- he had a blast!

"There are so many ways to fail but only one way to succeed; NEVER GIVE UP!"--Johni Pangalila

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Beach Run 4-Miler

Well, I normally don't do 3 races in one month- but I just had to run this one- Was I crazy? LOL! The Easter Beach run was fun, but running in the sand for 4 miles is a whole lot different than running on the roads! They say it adds like 15 seconds per mile onto your time...not sure if thats exactly true- but I do know it adds some time. Also, the race was at 4 pm - so that was a little different, too. I got 2nd in my age group this time, and my time was 30:10...not happy with the time- just have to keep reminding myself it would have been faster if the race was on the road. Well, I have a couple weeks off before my next race on April 5th- I'm sure I will post a new blog then.... Oh yeah- raced in the jersey for the first time- Very Nice- I LOVE it!

" Some people say I have attitude - maybe I do...but I think you have to. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does - that makes you a winner right there." Venus Williams

Monday, March 17, 2008

Time to Start Training for Real!

Well, the sun has been peeking out here in the midwest... I think it got up to 50 last Friday. (Hurray!!) The Shamrock Shuffle is about 2 weeks away, my knee is almost fully recovered - which by the way, I think the supplement Astavita is amazing and really helped me heal.

I'm also signed up for the Danskin Triathlon in July; the Wondergirl 5k to do with some of my daughters and their friends in June; and I'm signing up for Muddy Buddy today. (I've inspired a few of my friends to participate, that's exciting!) My beautiful, quiet, shy Korean friend JuSun is going to be my partner for Muddy Buddy - I hope this sweet woman knows what she's getting herself into! The great thing about Muddy Buddy is they have a kids race, too... isn't that every child's dream, to race through a giant mud pit?! (My husband is going to have a heart attack taking all of us home in our car.) The Danskin Triathlon and Muddy Buddy are all over the country, so check it out and perhaps challenge yourself!

I realized that I have lost a good 20 pounds since I started training for the 2007 Chicago Marathon last spring. About 15 to go and I'll be as thin as when I got married in 1989!!! That's awesome, but really my goal now is to get my blood pressure down without meds.

So I'm finishing up my Triathlon beginner swim class. Our coach has been incredible. I am making slow but steady progress and am confident the 1/2 mile swim will be fine, pretty easy by July. (My arms are shaping up nicely, too!) This class has been so humbling, I'm usually fairly good at most things, but with swimming I'm like the big dork in the class. Everyone else is swimming, and I'm just... sinking... swimming... sinking... grabbing a breath... sinking... swimming - you get the picture. As soon as I can get a good rhythm, I think I'll be much better. Who would have thought the simple act of swimming actually could be so complex?!

Time to get on a bike and start training for my cycling trip through Ireland with my 11 and 9 year old children this May. Funny, "30-40 miles a day" seemed like nothing to worry about in the middle of winter - but now, I'm thinking, "was I nuts?" (The longest bike ride we ever take is about 5 miles.) It's a good thing my kids are just excited about seeing castles and have no true concept of how far we'll be going each day :-) I'm sure this trip will be an adventure worth telling once it's all over. Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

My 5th race of the season completed...I'm happy this one's over!

Well, I had my 2nd 10K this morning. I wanted to better my time from last month...but it didn't happen. It was actually over 2 minutes slower...that's what happens when the last three miles consist of going over a HUGE bridge, turning around and doing it again before the finish line! I am happy this one is over. I do have to say I am not at all sore this time, I think it has to do with the great suppliment Astavita!! I was first in my age group and my time was 48:54- hopefully my next 10K will be in the 45:00 time!

Noah was too busy playing on the playground to run his race today.

"Accomplishment of small things leads to mighty things. Motivation to lead small victories results in glorious triumphs. Letting your light shine, even in defeat, is not failure but a stepping-stone to become stronger."- Chad E. Hardy

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Running among the Animals!

Okay, yesterday I ran a pretty cool race. It was a 3K at the Brevard County Zoo. I can't say I am a fan of such a short distance (1.8 miles), but the course made up for it. We ran through the zoo past the animal exhibits...the animals must have thought we were nuts! They also had the new Dinosaur Exhibit open, so about half way through we had dinosaurs growling and hissing at us! Very fun! Noah ran the kiddie race, laughed the entire race, had a blast! I was 1st in my age group, my time was 12:46. Next race is next weekend, another 10K- let's see if I can beat last months 10K time!! Happy Running to All!

" The goal you set within is the first stone to stand on to become your best. You must keep setting goals and achieving them. To become the best in life you must believe in yourself and strive to stand on top of the mountain looking down and not midway looking up."- Chad E. Hardy

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wow, this is my first blog and I just do not know what to say. I have been running since middle school and I will never stop. I have four boys (yes four boys and ZERO girls) ages 7, 5, 3, and 1. I push them in a quad jogger which is getting very hard to push these days with all of their weight. I have been trying to talk them into running with me but it looks like they are like their dad, very lazy. The only great thing about pushing four kids when you run is when you race and do not have them with you, you can run forever and it is so easy. I have not signed up for any races lately, its just too cold for me at 8:00 in the morning when the races are held. I like it at least 60 degrees out. This spring I plan on during a couple of 5K's and would love to run a half marathon. I have got to go run after the boys now. Will let everyone know about my first race of the year in a couple of weeks.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sunny Days Ahead... Big Plans this Year

Hey everyone! It has been a tough month in Chicago, weather wise. Not only has the snow, freezing rain and ice been bad, I fell (not just once), but TWICE on the ice and sprained my knee. (Once, fine, but TWICE???) Makes me mad, but my wonderful chiropracter office has me healing sure and steady. So, the night before I got injured, I decided... I should do a triathlon this year!!! A sprint - the Danskin Women's, this July to be exact. I think the cycling and running will be no problem, but the swimming... so I paid a $187 for a 5 week beginner triathlon swim class, that started this morning. (I am not normally a nervous person, but I almost backed out this morning!) Anyway, I went, learned that I am indeed "a sinker", and need to seriously get this swimming training underway. It was a good challenge, and I am glad that I went. I'm a little sore, but this is what I really took away - that there are many more women, who seem to be less fit than I am, who think they can do it. And that encourages me greatly - more power to them (to us all) for having the courage to dream big and move in that direction. Keep it up, girls!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Little Sore After That 10K!!

Okay, I have not raced anything longer than a 5K since my college running days...which was about 7 years ago! I have run long runs on my own, but it's been a while since racing anything longer than 3.1 miles. Yesterday I ran a 10K...and I am a little sore today! I ran my first 3 miles at my regular 5K I felt pretty good at that point...but slowed down a little the last 1 1/2 miles. I have to say I think I like racing the 10K better than the 5K- anymore it seems the 5K has turned into a "sprint"! I have another 10K next month...we'll see if my time improves! Yesterday I ended up finishing 1st in my age group, and 6th female with a time of 46:49...not bad for my first 10K.

Of course Noah ran his kiddie run, had a blast and got his medal at the finish line!

It's not so important who starts the game but who finishes it. - John Wooden

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hello Everyone!

My first blog... how cool. And here was my first marathon ever last October, which was very cool - actually it was my first race ever. Last spring I decided I wasn't getting any younger, and that it was time to run the Chicago Marathon. I have the greatest husband, Brian, whom I begged to run with me; and seven wonderful children, ages 11-1. We also homeschool, so our lives are quite busy. Training was a challenge, but it awoke in me a love of running... and now I can't wait to inspire others, challenge myself, encourage my children to be healthy, and have a great race season in 2008! I LOVE being strong and healthy, and not just a run-down tired old mom. I just registered for the Chicago Shamrock Shuffle yesterday, if anyone wants to join me! (It's an 8k along our beautiful - but probably cold- lakefront on March 30th.) Other races I have planned this year are the Girls on the Run race, which encourages our daughters and young girls everywhere to have healthy body images; Muddy Buddy with a friend and then the kids will do the Muddy Buddy jr. (what kid can resist a race through a mud pit??); and the Chicago Marathon again - which hopefully will have a much better outcome for everyone (last year's was a heat disaster). In May I'm going on a homeschool "field trip" with our two oldest kids and another family, we're biking through Ireland... hhhmmm... I'm thinking I'll be 2/3 of the way into training for a Triathalon. Can anyone recommend the least challenging Triathalon they know of??!!? I do love a big challenge.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

2nd Race of 2008 Completed!

Today I competed in my 2nd race of 2008- that's my 2 for January! My time was a few seconds faster than last week- Yay! It was 21:59, and I was again 1st in my age group- I think 10th female overall. Today was a 5K, I am gearing up to do a 10K on Feb. 9th. I did not feel too bad about my time today considering I did not run but one day this last week...My son, who has been nursing 2 times a day- once at nap time and once at bedtime- decided to stop nursing on to say the least I was a little sore all week, was not even going to think about running! I did a little 2 mile run yesterday and felt great, and am very happy I decided to race today! Noah ran another kiddie race today and did great! I LOVE to see parents getting their kids involved in physical activity at such an early age!
To will is to select a goal, determine a course of action that will bring one to that goal, and then hold to that action till the goal is reached. The key is action. Michael Hanson

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Off to a Running Start!

Well, I had my first race of 2008 this morning- the first of a scheduled 24 this year! It was a 5K (3.1 miles). I can say that the last two weeks of slacking off and running a few days a week STOPS NOW!! It is time to get back on track and get serious about running...though it was nice to rest a few weeks. :) My son Noah also ran his first race of 2008. He did great and had a blast, and was very proud to receive his finisher ribbon. He is the one in the jean shorts in the pic. I was 1st in my age group, and I think 6th or 7th female overall, with a time of 22:01...alot slower that my times before slacking off! Oh well, that one is done and now I look forward to next week's race. Happy running to all!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Looking Forward To Another Great Year Of Running!!

Okay...those that know me would probably say I am a little bit addicted to running...mostly the racing part of it all! I have been running since Middle School, ran a couple years in college and just have not stopped. I LOVE to run and stay active, but there is just something about the feeling of accomplishment after I have finished another race.

Last year (2007) I ended the year with a 25 race total!- my goal was 24, but I somehow picked up an extra on along the way. My goal for 2008 is to do 2 races per month again, but this time do more longer distances- 10K's and 1/2 marathons when they come up. To keep myself motivated and on track, at the beginning of the year I look at the local racing calendars and plan my races for the entire year. I write them on my calendar where I can always see them...that way I always know what is going on and can't make excuses!

I think it is important to get kids involved in physical activity early! In August I entered my then 2 year old son in his first kiddie run...which he loved. He now wants to do the kiddie run at every race we go to- we take pics and cheer him on- we want him to think that exercise is a good thing. The pic is of me cheering the little guy on!