Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wow, this is my first blog and I just do not know what to say. I have been running since middle school and I will never stop. I have four boys (yes four boys and ZERO girls) ages 7, 5, 3, and 1. I push them in a quad jogger which is getting very hard to push these days with all of their weight. I have been trying to talk them into running with me but it looks like they are like their dad, very lazy. The only great thing about pushing four kids when you run is when you race and do not have them with you, you can run forever and it is so easy. I have not signed up for any races lately, its just too cold for me at 8:00 in the morning when the races are held. I like it at least 60 degrees out. This spring I plan on during a couple of 5K's and would love to run a half marathon. I have got to go run after the boys now. Will let everyone know about my first race of the year in a couple of weeks.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sunny Days Ahead... Big Plans this Year

Hey everyone! It has been a tough month in Chicago, weather wise. Not only has the snow, freezing rain and ice been bad, I fell (not just once), but TWICE on the ice and sprained my knee. (Once, fine, but TWICE???) Makes me mad, but my wonderful chiropracter office has me healing sure and steady. So, the night before I got injured, I decided... I should do a triathlon this year!!! A sprint - the Danskin Women's, this July to be exact. I think the cycling and running will be no problem, but the swimming... so I paid a $187 for a 5 week beginner triathlon swim class, that started this morning. (I am not normally a nervous person, but I almost backed out this morning!) Anyway, I went, learned that I am indeed "a sinker", and need to seriously get this swimming training underway. It was a good challenge, and I am glad that I went. I'm a little sore, but this is what I really took away - that there are many more women, who seem to be less fit than I am, who think they can do it. And that encourages me greatly - more power to them (to us all) for having the courage to dream big and move in that direction. Keep it up, girls!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Little Sore After That 10K!!

Okay, I have not raced anything longer than a 5K since my college running days...which was about 7 years ago! I have run long runs on my own, but it's been a while since racing anything longer than 3.1 miles. Yesterday I ran a 10K...and I am a little sore today! I ran my first 3 miles at my regular 5K I felt pretty good at that point...but slowed down a little the last 1 1/2 miles. I have to say I think I like racing the 10K better than the 5K- anymore it seems the 5K has turned into a "sprint"! I have another 10K next month...we'll see if my time improves! Yesterday I ended up finishing 1st in my age group, and 6th female with a time of 46:49...not bad for my first 10K.

Of course Noah ran his kiddie run, had a blast and got his medal at the finish line!

It's not so important who starts the game but who finishes it. - John Wooden